We all have a story to tell and for as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the depth of the stories we as individuals and collectively as humanity have to tell. I began my career as a sports broadcaster on radio. In that role, it forced me to become a master of painting a mental picture with just my words, telling the story of the game, the players and the history of the sport. I often found myself fascinated by what additional information I could insert to create a vivid picture in the minds of listeners. Elevating my passion from the audio realm to the visual one happened seamlessly. Audio stories made that medium work and visual stories are what drives photographic art. I wanted to say less and allow others the ability to create their own stories through my art.
Once I hit the shutter, that moment is captured forever and can never be recreated. It is a present moment personified. In a millisecond it transcends from the present to past and becomes history. It is then up to the observer of that art to decide what it means. Is it sorrowful, uplifting, comedic? Regardless of the adjective, each photograph creates a visceral reaction and that is what I strive to create and preserve simultaneously.
When I was reflecting on my fascination with storytelling, it began long before my ‘official’ career. At the age of two I received a disposable camera. Within minutes, I had used up the entire roll of film. I wanted to capture everything – family members, objects, landscapes, and a myriad of other fascinating things. To be fair, what isn’t fascinating to a two-year-old? Since that time, these photographs comfort me, and pictures are how I remember life. I go back through those pictures and can remember the entire day in my mind. It jogs my memory back to that time and place. The sights, smells, people and the experience captured by the image flood back to me and I relive those moments. Photography has a special power that way.